Congratulations to our U13 team on their OMAHA playoff championship

Your 2024- 2025 CMHA Executive Team
Chase Minor Hockey is an a 100% Volunteer-run Association. Each member of the Executive is responsible for managing or directing specific tasks to ensure a smooth running season, with minimal distractions and bumps along the way. Primary (but not inclusive) Executive duties are available here.
If you have a question, comment or concern with something, please ensure you contact the correct member of the Executive first. That way, your concern can be addressed quickly and hopefully resolved to your satisfaction. Remember the person you are speaking to is likely a hockey parent, like you, and deserves to be treated with the same courtesy and respect that you'd like to be treated with.
Who does What?
If you want to know who is responsible for what duties, we have posted a "Job Description" for each Executive Member here. Its not meant to be a comprehensive list as many people take on many tasks, especially in a Small Organization.
Executive Meetings are held Monthly during the hockey season. Members are welcome to forward questions or concerns to the Executive via email at anytime. A Member may attend an Executive Meeting to make an in-person presentation by Executive invitation or by requesting an in-person appearance by letter or email. Special Parents Meetings and Annual General Meetings are open to all members. Notice of these meetings will be posted on our Social Media sites in advance of the meetings. Minutes of all Executive meetings will be posted once approved and adopted at the next Executive Meeting,
Approved Meeting Minutes
Executive Meeting, Sept.12,23
Executive Meeting, September, 24
Executive Meeting, October, 24
Executive Meeting, November, 24
Executive Meeting, December, 24

Treasurer, Michelle-Anne Friesen
Secretary, Cristena Einfeld
Registrar, Jolene Barkman
Past President, John Pelcher